TaskActualEffort KnownPropertyList.TaskActualEffort field Indicates the number of minutes that the user actually spen...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskActualEffo...
ContactLinkedGlobalAddressListEntryId KnownPropertyList.ContactLinkedGlobalAddressListEntryId field Specifies the Ent...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
WorkAddressCountry KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressCountry field Specifies the country or region portion of the work add...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
WorkAddressState KnownPropertyList.WorkAddressState field Specifies the state or province portion of the work address...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
ConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime KnownPropertyList.ConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime field Contains the maximum valu...... Area: Conversation Actions Canonical...
OriginalMessageId KnownPropertyList.OriginalMessageId field Contains the message ID of the original message included ...... Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagOriginalMessag...
InboundICalStream KnownPropertyList.InboundICalStream field Contains the contents of the iCalendar MIME part of the o...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidInboundICalStr...
CalendarBusystatus KnownPropertyList.CalendarBusystatus field Specifies whether the attendee is busy at the time of a...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarBusys...
AddressBookPhoneticGivenName KnownPropertyList.AddressBookPhoneticGivenName field Contains the phonetic representatio...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...
ReceiptTime KnownPropertyList.ReceiptTime field Contains the sent time for a message disposition notification, as spe...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReceiptTime...