NetShowUrl KnownPropertyList.NetShowUrl field Specifies the URL to be launched when the user joins the meeting. Area:...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
WorkAddress KnownPropertyList.WorkAddress field Specifies the complete address of the work address of the contact. Ar...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
MonthOfYear KnownPropertyList.MonthOfYear field Indicates the month of the year in which the appointment or meeting o...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidMonthOfYear...
ReminderTimeDate KnownPropertyList.ReminderTimeDate field Indicates the time and date of the reminder for the appoint...... Area: Reminders Canonical name: ...
OtherAddress KnownPropertyList.OtherAddress field Specifies the complete address of the other address of the contact....... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
TaskHistory KnownPropertyList.TaskHistory field Indicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object. A...... Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskHistory...
AutoProcessState KnownPropertyList.AutoProcessState field Specifies the options used in the automatic processing of e...... Area: General Message Properties...
DavParentName KnownPropertyList.DavParentName field Specifies the name of the Folder object that contains the Calenda...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavParentName...
RoamingDatatypes KnownPropertyList.RoamingDatatypes field Contains a bitmask that indicates which stream properties e...... Area: Configuration Canonical name:...