AutoProcessState KnownPropertyList.AutoProcessState field Specifies the options used in the automatic processing of e...... Area: General Message Properties...
DavParentName KnownPropertyList.DavParentName field Specifies the name of the Folder object that contains the Calenda...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavParentName...
RoamingDatatypes KnownPropertyList.RoamingDatatypes field Contains a bitmask that indicates which stream properties e...... Area: Configuration Canonical name:...
SmartNoAttach KnownPropertyList.SmartNoAttach field Indicates whether the Message object has no end-user visible atta...... Area: Run-time configuration Canonical...
XSharingProviderGuid KnownPropertyList.XSharingProviderGuid field Contains the hexadecimal string representation of t...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProvi...
From KnownPropertyList.From field Specifies the SMTP email alias of the organizer of an appointment or meeting. Area:...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameFrom...
CalendarRsvp KnownPropertyList.CalendarRsvp field Specifies whether the organizer of an appointment or meeting reques...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRsvp...
PredecessorChangeList KnownPropertyList.PredecessorChangeList field Contains a value that contains a serialized repre...... Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagPredecessorCha...