ObjectUri KnownPropertyList.ObjectUri field Contains object uri. This property does not transmit via transport protoc...... Area: User-defined Aspose specified...
MessageStatus KnownPropertyList.MessageStatus field Specifies the status of a message in a contents table. Area: Gene...... Area: General Message Properties...
SearchFolderTemplateId KnownPropertyList.SearchFolderTemplateId field Contains the ID of the template that is being u...... Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderTe...
EditTime KnownPropertyList.EditTime field Specifies the time that the file was last edited. Area: Common Canonical na...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameEditTime...
AttendeeCriticalChange KnownPropertyList.AttendeeCriticalChange field Specifies the date and time at which the meetin...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAttendeeCritic...
NonDeliveryReportReasonCode KnownPropertyList.NonDeliveryReportReasonCode field Contains an integer value that indica...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryRep...
InitialDetailsPane KnownPropertyList.InitialDetailsPane field Indicates which page of a display template to display f...... Area: MAPI Display Tables Canonical...
RuleState KnownPropertyList.RuleState field Contains flags that specify the state of the rule. Area: Server-Side Rule...... Area: Server-Side Rules Properties...
TrustSender KnownPropertyList.TrustSender field Specifies whether the associated message was delivered through a trus...... Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical...