ResponseRequested KnownPropertyList.ResponseRequested field Indicates whether a response is requested to a Message ob...... Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical...
AddressType KnownPropertyList.AddressType field Contains the email address type of a Message object. Area: Address Pr...... Area: Address Properties Canonical...
Body KnownPropertyList.Body field Contains message body text in plain text format. Area: General Message Properties C...... Area: General Message Properties...
AttachLongFilename KnownPropertyList.AttachLongFilename field Contains the full filename and extension of the Attachm...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
AddressBookSenderHintTranslations KnownPropertyList.AddressBookSenderHintTranslations field Contains the locale ID an...... Area: Address Book Canonical name:...
formatting property formatting property Represents the formatting of the Area. Definition: @property def formatting (......Represents the formatting of the area. Definition: @property def formatting...
RuleName KnownPropertyList.RuleName field Specifies the name of the rule. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonica...... Area: Server-Side Rules Properties...
PrimaryFaxNumber KnownPropertyList.PrimaryFaxNumber field Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s primary fa...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
ContactLinkSMTPAddressCache KnownPropertyList.ContactLinkSMTPAddressCache field Contains a list of the SMTP addresses...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
MeetingWorkspaceUrl KnownPropertyList.MeetingWorkspaceUrl field Specifies the URL of the Meeting Workspace that is as...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMeetingWorkspa...