ReminderType KnownPropertyList.ReminderType field This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Area: Reminders C...... Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderType...
OriginalSenderEntryId KnownPropertyList.OriginalSenderEntryId field Contains an address book EntryID that is set on d...... Area: General Message Properties...
ExchangePatternEnd KnownPropertyList.ExchangePatternEnd field Identifies the maximum time when an instance of a recur...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangePatte...
LastPrinted KnownPropertyList.LastPrinted field Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last printed. Area: Com...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastPrinted...
DepartmentName KnownPropertyList.DepartmentName field Contains a name for the department in which the mail user works...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
SubjectPrefix KnownPropertyList.SubjectPrefix field Contains the prefix for the subject of the message. Area: General...... Area: General Message Properties...
Returns a Region object that represents a region that limits the drawing Area of the drawing surface represented by the current Graphics object....region that limits the drawing area of the drawing surface represented...
EndDate KnownPropertyList.EndDate field Contains the value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14). ...... Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical...
AttachFilename KnownPropertyList.AttachFilename field Contains the 8.3 name of the PidTagAttachLongFilename property ...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...