AppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur KnownPropertyList.AppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur field Specifies time zone inf...... Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTim...
Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType enum. Represents the type of formatting page background with image... Area 1 Stretch the image. Tile 2...
PivotTable property. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the data Area in the list between the header row and the insert row. Readonly...range that contains the data area in the list between the header...
getErrorBarsXFormat getErrorBarsXFormat() method Represents ErrorBars of series with derection X. Read-only IErrorBar......avalible for series of type area, bar, scatter and bubble. For...
TagSubject KnownPropertyList.TagSubject field Contains the subject of the email message. Area: General Message Proper...... Area: General Message Properties...
UserCertificate KnownPropertyList.UserCertificate field Contains an ASN.1 authentication certificate for a messaging ...... Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name:...
ContentBase KnownPropertyList.ContentBase field Specifies the value of the MIME Content-Base header, which defines th...... Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentBase...
DisplayTypeEx KnownPropertyList.DisplayTypeEx field Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Addres...... Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name:...
MemberName KnownPropertyList.MemberName field Contains the user-readable name of the user. Area: Access Control Prope...... Area: Access Control Properties Canonical...