calculate calculate(boolean updateValues) method If the cell contains a formula, the value will be updated base on th......calculate calculate(boolean updateValues) method If the cell contains a formula, the value will be updated base on th...
getFormula getFormula() method Gets or sets the formula in A1-style. Returns String...getFormula getFormula() method Gets or sets the formula in A1-style. Returns String
isCustom isCustom() method Shows if this property does not belong to the predefined properties list in the specificat......isCustom isCustom() method Shows if this property does not belong to the predefined properties list in the specificat...
getRow getRow() method Returns the index of the row of worksheet in which the cell is located. Read-only int. Returns......getRow getRow() method Returns the index of the row of worksheet in which the cell is located. Read-only int. Returns...
setCategoryAxisType setCategoryAxisType(int value) method Specifies the type of the category axis. Read/write Categor......setCategoryAxisType setCategoryAxisType(int value) method Specifies the type of the category axis. Read/write Categor...
setLogarithmic setLogarithmic(boolean value) method Represents if the value axis scale type is logarithmic or not. Re......setLogarithmic setLogarithmic(boolean value) method Represents if the value axis scale type is logarithmic or not. Re...