insertPresetColor insertPresetColor(int index, float position, int presetColor) method Creates the new gradient stop ......insertPresetColor insertPresetColor(int index, float position, int presetColor) method Creates the new gradient stop ...
addPresetColor addPresetColor(float position, int presetColor) method Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to th......addPresetColor addPresetColor(float position, int presetColor) method Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to th...
getPassword getPassword() method Setting user password to protect the PDF document. Read/write String. Returns String...getPassword getPassword() method Setting user password to protect the PDF document. Read/write String. Returns String
joinPortionsWithSameFormatting joinPortionsWithSameFormatting() method Joins runs with same formatting in all paragra......joinPortionsWithSameFormatting joinPortionsWithSameFormatting() method Joins runs with same formatting in all paragra...
getActualLabelText getActualLabelText() method Returns actual label text based on DataLabelFormat settings or TextFra......getActualLabelText getActualLabelText() method Returns actual label text based on DataLabelFormat settings or TextFra...
getUseBackgroundFill getUseBackgroundFill() method Determines whether this autoshape should be filled with slide’s ba......getUseBackgroundFill getUseBackgroundFill() method Determines whether this autoshape should be filled with slide’s ba...
getStartPosAlpha getStartPosAlpha() method Specifies the start position (along the alpha gradient ramp) of the start ......getStartPosAlpha getStartPosAlpha() method Specifies the start position (along the alpha gradient ramp) of the start ...