checkWriteProtection checkWriteProtection(String password) method Checks whether a password to modify is correct for ......checkWriteProtection checkWriteProtection(String password) method Checks whether a password to modify is correct for ...
isSynchronized isSynchronized() method Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (t......isSynchronized isSynchronized() method Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (t...
getGapDepth getGapDepth() method Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the data ......getGapDepth getGapDepth() method Returns or sets the distance, as a percentage of the marker width, between the data ...
setX setX(float value) method Returns or sets the x coordinate of a title as a fraction of the width of the chart. Re......setX setX(float value) method Returns or sets the x coordinate of a title as a fraction of the width of the chart. Re...
getPlotOnSecondAxis getPlotOnSecondAxis() method Indicates if this series is plotted on secondary axis. Read/write bo......getPlotOnSecondAxis getPlotOnSecondAxis() method Indicates if this series is plotted on secondary axis. Read/write bo...
setBubbleSizeScale setBubbleSizeScale(int value) method Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be betwe......setBubbleSizeScale setBubbleSizeScale(int value) method Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be betwe...
setBubbleSizeRepresentation setBubbleSizeRepresentation(int value) method Specifies how the bubble size values are re......setBubbleSizeRepresentation setBubbleSizeRepresentation(int value) method Specifies how the bubble size values are re...
getRotation getRotation() method A rotation is defined through the use of a latitude coordinate, a longitude coordina......getRotation getRotation() method A rotation is defined through the use of a latitude coordinate, a longitude coordina...
getFieldOfViewAngle getFieldOfViewAngle() method Camera FOV (0-180 deg, field of View). Read/write float. Returns float...getFieldOfViewAngle getFieldOfViewAngle() method Camera FOV (0-180 deg, field of View). Read/write float. Returns float