isOverflowBin isOverflowBin() method Specifies if overflow bin applied. Use IsAutomaticOverflowBin and OverflowBin to......isOverflowBin isOverflowBin() method Specifies if overflow bin applied. Use IsAutomaticOverflowBin and OverflowBin to...
hasTitle hasTitle() method Determines whether a axis has a visible title. Read/write boolean. Returns boolean...hasTitle hasTitle() method Determines whether a axis has a visible title. Read/write boolean. Returns boolean
isAutomaticUnderflowBin isAutomaticUnderflowBin() method Specifies automatic underflow bin value. If false: use Under......isAutomaticUnderflowBin isAutomaticUnderflowBin() method Specifies automatic underflow bin value. If false: use Under...
setMinValue setMinValue(double value) method Represents the minimum value on the value axis. Read/write double. Retur......setMinValue setMinValue(double value) method Represents the minimum value on the value axis. Read/write double. Retur...
isPlotOrderReversed isPlotOrderReversed() method Represents if MS PowerPoint plots data points from last to first. Re......isPlotOrderReversed isPlotOrderReversed() method Represents if MS PowerPoint plots data points from last to first. Re...
getFontFallBackRulesCollection getFontFallBackRulesCollection() method Represents a user’s collection of FontFallBack......getFontFallBackRulesCollection getFontFallBackRulesCollection() method Represents a user’s collection of FontFallBack...
getGrow getGrow() method Determines whether the bounds of the object should be grown as a result of the blurring. Tru......getGrow getGrow() method Determines whether the bounds of the object should be grown as a result of the blurring. Tru...
getEffective getEffective() method Gets effective Blur effect data with the inheritance applied. Returns BlurEffectiv......getEffective getEffective() method Gets effective Blur effect data with the inheritance applied. Returns BlurEffectiv...
addDataPointForDoughnutSeries addDataPointForDoughnutSeries( ChartDataCell value) method Creates the new data point a......addDataPointForDoughnutSeries addDataPointForDoughnutSeries( ChartDataCell value) method Creates the new data point a...