RtfSaveOptions.export_images_for_old_readers property. Specifies whether the keywords for old readers are written to RTF or not... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'RtfSaveOptions.export_images...
FieldCompare.left_expression property. Gets or sets the left part of the comparison expression.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.COMPARE.docx'...
FieldIncludePicture.graphic_filter property. Gets or sets the name of the filter for the format of the graphic that is to be inserted.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_include_picture...
StructuredDocumentTag.date_display_locale property. Allows to set/get the language format for the date displayed in this SDT.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'StructuredDocumentTa...
aspose.words.drawing.charts.AxisGroup enumeration. Represents a type of a chart axis group.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.SecondaryAxis...
FieldIncludePicture.resize_vertically property. Gets or sets whether to resize the picture vertically from the source.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_include_picture...