Table.absolute_vertical_distance property. Gets or sets absolute vertical floating table position specified by the table properties, in points... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Table.ChangeFloatingTableP...
LayoutOptions.continuous_section_page_numbering_restart property. Gets or sets the mode of behavior for computing page numbers when a continuous section restarts the page numbering.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Layout.RestartPageNumbering...
SaveOptions.dml_effects_rendering_mode property. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects...
RtfSaveOptions.save_format property. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'RtfSaveOptions.export_images...
ChartDataLabel.orientation property. Gets or sets the orientation of the label text.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.LabelOrientationRota...
PageSetup.characters_per_line property. Gets or sets the number of characters per line in the document grid.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PageSetup.CharactersPerLine...
ImageData.image_bytes property. Gets or sets the raw bytes of the image stored in the shape....img_stream : with open ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Drawing.get_data_from_image...
PdfSaveOptions.dml_effects_rendering_mode property. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'PdfSaveOptions.DrawingMLEffects...
FieldOptions.template_name property. Gets or sets the file name of the template used by the document.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.TEMPLATE.docx'...