Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition énumération. Énumère différentes manières de présenter le document sur le navigateur client.... Save ( response , "Artifacts/MailMerge.ExecuteArray.docx"...
StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.xml_mapping property. Gets an object that represents the mapping of this structured document tag range to XML data in a custom XML part of the current document.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "StructuredDocumentTa...
ShapeBase.relative_vertical_size property. Gets or sets the value of shape's relative size in vertical direction.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Shape.RelativeSizeAndPosit...
DocumentBuilder.end_column_bookmark method. Marks the current position in the document as a column bookmark end... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Bookmarks.create_column_bookmark...