ChartDataLabelCollection.show_bubble_size property. Allows to specify whether bubble size is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.DataLabelsBubbleChar...
TableStyle.right_padding property. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of table cells.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Table.table_style_creation...
aspose.words.fonts.FontInfoCollection class. Represents a collection of fonts used in a document... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Font.FontInfoCollection...
BuiltInDocumentProperties.last_saved_by property. Gets or sets the name of the last author.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentProperties...
ChartTitle.format property. Provides access to fill and line formatting of the chart title.... save ( file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Charts.ChartFormat...
FieldImport.graphic_filter property. Gets or sets the name of the filter for the format of the graphic that is to be inserted.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'Field.field_include_picture...