Compare StencilState.Compare property Gets or sets the compare function used in stencil test public CompareFunction C......3D DepthFailAction English Русский...
ShadowCaster RendererVariableManager.ShadowCaster property Position of shadow caster in world coordinate system publi......3D MatrixWorldViewProje Shadowmap...
Shadowmap RendererVariableManager.Shadowmap property The depth texture used for shadow mapping public ITextureUnit Sh......3D ShadowCaster ViewportSize English...
ComputeShader GLSLSource.ComputeShader property Gets or sets the source code of the compute shader. public string Com......3D GLSLSource FragmentShader English...
Scroll ITextureUnit.Scroll property Gets or sets the scroll of the UV coordinate. public Vector2 Scroll { get ; set ;......3D Scale Type English Русский 简体中文...
Rotate TransformBuilder.Rotate method Chain a rotation by a quaternion public TransformBuilder Rotate ( Quaternion q ......3D Reset RotateDegree English Русский...