FaceElement PlySaveOptions.FaceElement property The element name for the face data, default value is “face” public st......3D ColorComponents FaceProperty...
WrapModeU TextureBase.WrapModeU property Gets or sets the texture wrap modes in U. public WrapMode WrapModeU { get ; ......3D UVTranslation WrapModeV English...
UpVector AssetInfo.UpVector property Gets or sets the up-vector used in this asset. public Axis ? UpVector { get ; se......3D UnitScaleFactor Url English Русский...
AmbientColor LambertMaterial.AmbientColor property Gets or sets the ambient color public Vector3 AmbientColor { get ;......3D LambertMaterial DiffuseColor...
BottomFlangeFilletRadius HShape.BottomFlangeFilletRadius property Gets or sets the radius of fillet between the web a......3D BottomFlangeEdgeRadi BottomFlangeThicknes...
Load ITexture1D.Load method Load texture content from specified Bitmap public void Load ( TextureData bitmap ) Parame......3D Save English Русский 简体中文...
CopyTo VertexElementDoublesTemplate.CopyTo method Copies data to specified element public void CopyTo ( VertexElement......3D Clear SetData English Русский...
SetIndices VertexElement.SetIndices method Load indices public void SetIndices ( int [] data ) Parameter Type Descrip......3D Clear ToString English Русский...
Height LinearExtrusion.Height property The height of the extruded geometry, default value is 1.0 public double Height......3D Direction Shape English Русский...
RadialSegments Cylinder.RadialSegments property Gets or sets the radial segments. public int RadialSegments { get ; s......3D OpenEnded RadiusBottom English...