BottomOffset Pyramid.BottomOffset property Offset for bottom vertices public Vector3 BottomOffset { get ; set ; } See......3D BottomArea Height English Русский...
LocalFileSystem LocalFileSystem constructor Initialize a new LocalFileSystem with specified base directory. public Lo......3D ReadFile English Русский 简体中文...
VertexShader GLSLSource.VertexShader property Gets or sets the source code of the vertex shader public string VertexS......3D GeometryShader DefineInclude...
RenderStage Renderer.RenderStage property Gets the current render stage. public RenderStage RenderStage { get ; } See......3D RenderFactory RenderTarget English...
Length Vector3.Length property Gets the length of this vector. public double Length { get ; } Property Value The leng......3D ZAxis Length2 English Русский...
ZAxis Vector3.ZAxis field Gets the Z axis. public static readonly Vector3 ZAxis ; Property Value The Z axis. See Also......3D YAxis Length English Русский...
Transpose FMatrix4.Transpose method Transposes this instance. public FMatrix4 Transpose () Return Value The transpose......3D Inverse op_Multiply English Русский...
StencilTest RenderState.StencilTest property Enable or disable the stencil test. public bool StencilTest { get ; set ......3D StencilReference CompareTo English...
Variables Renderer.Variables property Access to the internal variables used for rendering public RendererVariableMana......3D ShaderSet ClearCache English...