Enumerates the operations to perform with Document during launch action executing....operations to perform with document during launch action executing...state. OPEN Open a document. PRINT Print a document. See Also namespace...
CompareOptions IgnoreTextboxes property. Specifies whether to compare differences in the data contained within text boxes in C#....to filter specific types of document elements when making a comparison...comparison. // Create the original document and populate it with various...
PdfDigitalSignatureDetails Reason property. Gets or sets the reason for the signing in C#....generated PDF document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...object that we can pass to the document's "Save" method // to modify...
Initializes a new instance of the DocumentTypeaspose.html.dom/Documenttype class...., string internalSubset , Document doc ) Parameter Type Description...subset. doc Document The document. See Also class Document class DocumentType...
Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldShape class. Implements the SHAPE field in C#....the Working with Fields documentation article. public class FieldShape...modifications made to the document. IsLocked { get; set; } Gets...
Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection class. A collection of Field objects that represents the fields in the specified range in C#....the Working with Fields documentation article. public class FieldCollection...of this collection from the document and from this collection itself...
Options for images binarization....Examples Shows how to save a document as binary image using Otsu’s...method. // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir...
FileFormatUtil LoadFormatToExtension method. Converts a load format enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lowercase string with a leading dot in C#....the format of a document. // Load a document from a file that... OpenRead ( MyDir + "Word document with missing file extension"...