Create new DocumentFontsSubsystem instance using specified default font name....Examples Shows how to save a document in pdf format using specified...font. // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir...
Table constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Table class in C#....doc DocumentBase The owner document. Remarks When Table is created...specified document, but is not yet part of the document and ParentNode...
FieldMacroButton MacroName property. Gets or sets the name of the macro or command to run in to run a document’s macros by clicking. Document doc = new Document...Document ( MyDir + "Macro.docm" ); DocumentBuilder builder =...
Aspose.Words.Revision class. Represents a revision tracked change in a Document node or style. Use RevisionType to check the type of this revision in C#....revision (tracked change) in a document node or style. Use RevisionType...Track Changes in a Documentdocumentation article. public class...
Splits the Pdf file into several Documents.The Documents can be single-page or multi-pages....file into several documents.The documents can be start and end pages of document. Return Value Output PDF streams...
FieldIncludeText NamespaceMappings property. Gets or sets the namespace mappings for XPath queries in C#....FieldIncludeText () { Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...XSL transformation on an XML document: FieldIncludeText fieldIncludeText...
FileFormatUtil ExtensionToSaveFormat method. Converts a file name extension into a SaveFormat value in C#....the format of a document. // Load a document from a file that... OpenRead ( MyDir + "Word document with missing file extension"...
XlsxSaveOptions SaveFormat property. Specifies the format in which the Document will be saved if this save options object is used. Can only be Xlsx in C#....Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save...compress XLSX document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Shape...