Aspose.Words for .NET 17.2.0 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....output Pdf Bug WORDSNET-13516 Document.Compare returns like in original Word document. Bug WORDSNET-14393 Page break...
BaseWebExtensionCollection Remove method. Removes the item at the specified index from the collection in C#....with a document’s collection of web extensions. Document doc =...= new Document ( MyDir + "Web extension.docx" ); Assert . AreEqual...
SignatureLineOptions ShowDate property. Gets or sets a value indicating that sign date is shown in the signature line. Default value for this property is true in C#....Examples Shows how to sign a document with a personal certificate...signature line. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
SignatureLineOptions DefaultInstructions property. Gets or sets a value indicating that default instructions is shown in the Sign dialog. Default value for this property is true in C#....Examples Shows how to sign a document with a personal certificate...signature line. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
Document Sections property. Returns a collection that represents all sections in the Document in C#....Sections Contents [ Hide ] Document.Sections property Returns...represents all sections in the document. public SectionCollection...
EndnoteOptions Position property. Specifies the endnotes position in C#....the document collects and displays its endnotes. Document doc...doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder...
LoadOptions LoadFormat property. Specifies the format of the Document to be loaded. Default is Auto in C#....Specifies the format of the document to be loaded. Default is know the format of the document you are about to load, you...
SignatureLine IsSigned property. Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature in C#....Examples Shows how to sign a document with a personal certificate...signature line. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback interface. Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom method called during a find and replace operation in C#....differentFirstPageHe ) { Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Header...ReplaceWithCallback () { Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
FontInfoCollection Contains method. Determines whether the collection contains a font with the given name in the blank document. Document doc = new Document (); // A blank...blank document contains 3 default fonts. Each font in the document...