CommentRangeStart Accept method. Accepts a visitor in C#....their comment ranges using a document visitor. public void CreateCommentsAndPri...CreateCommentsAndPri () { Document doc = new Document (); Comment newComment...
Comment Initial property. Returns or sets the initials of the user associated with a specific comment in C#....their comment ranges using a document visitor. public void CreateCommentsAndPri...CreateCommentsAndPri () { Document doc = new Document (); Comment newComment...
The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the Document object model....particular instance of the document object model. public interface...DocumentType) Creates a DOM Document object of the specified type...
Contains elements that contain identifying information about a Document reviewer....identifying information about a document reviewer. public class Reviewer...representing the color assigned to a document reviewer’s markup. CurrentIndex...
BuildingBlock Category property. Specifies the secondlevel categorization for the building block in C#....custom building block to a document. public void CreateAndInsert...CreateAndInsert () { // A document's glossary document stores building blocks...
FormFieldCollection Clear method. Removes all form fields from this collection and from the Document in C#....this collection and from the document. public void Clear () Examples...into a document, and process them with using a document visitor...
SaveOptions DefaultTemplate property. Gets or sets path to default template including filename. Default value for this property is empty string Empty in C#....set a default template for documents that do not have attached...attached templates. Document doc = new Document (); // Enable automatic...
Represents a class to edit the PDF file's page, including rotating page, zooming page, moving position and changing page size.... PdfPageEditor(document) Initializes a new instance...Name Description document Gets the document facade is working...
Aspose.Words.Node class. Base class for all nodes of a Word Document in C#....class for all nodes of a Word document. To learn more, visit the...Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) documentation article. public...
Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF Document. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100 means best quality but minimum compression....the JPEG images inside PDF document. The value may vary from 0...Examples Shows how to save a document in pdf format using specific...