PageIndex SWFSaveOptions.PageIndex property Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0.......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram PageCount...
PageIndex XPSSaveOptions.PageIndex property Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to render. Default is 0.......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram PageCount...
HideSelection ComboBoxActiveXControl.HideSelection property Indicates whether selected text in the control appears hi......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram EnterFieldBehavior...
SplitMultiPages PdfSaveOptions.SplitMultiPages property Defines whether split diagram to multi pages according to pag......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SaveFormat...
TextCompression PdfSaveOptions.TextCompression property Specifies compression type to be used for all content streams......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SplitMultiPages...
Text TextBoxActiveXControl.Text property Gets and set text of the control. public string Text { get ; set ; } See Als......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram TabKeyBehavior...