IsLocked ActiveXControl.IsLocked property Indicates whether data in the control is locked for editing. public bool Is......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram IsEnabled...
DropButtonStyle ComboBoxActiveXControl.DropButtonStyle property Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button pub......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram ColumnWidths...
SpecialEffect ImageActiveXControl.SpecialEffect property Gets and sets the special effect of the control. public Cont......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram PictureSizeMode...
SpecialEffect TextBoxActiveXControl.SpecialEffect property Gets and sets the special effect of the control. public Co......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram ShowDropButtonTypeWh...
SaveFormat HTMLSaveOptions.SaveFormat property Specifies the format in which the rendered diagram pages will be saved......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SaveForegroundPagesO...
SaveFormat PdfSaveOptions.SaveFormat property Specifies the format in which the rendered diagram pages will be saved ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SaveForegroundPagesO...
Width PageSize.Width property Gets or sets the page width in points for the the generated images. public float Width ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram PaperSizeFormat...
HorizontalResolution PdfSaveOptions.HorizontalResolution property Gets or sets the horizontal resolution for generate......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram ExportHiddenPage...
DataConnectionType DataConnectionType enumeration Allows to configure options for the connections to the database. pu......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Manipulation assembly Aspose.Diagram ConnectionPointPlace...