Contains solutionspecific wellformed XML data that is prefixed in an explicit namespace and is stored with a document....Also namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram English Русский...
Specifies whether dynamic shapetoshape glue is allowed when connecting to a shape....Also namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram English Русский...
ReflectionEffectType ReflectionEffectType enumeration public enum ReflectionEffectType Values Name Value Description ......Also namespace Aspose.Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram English Русский...
Type ComboBoxActiveXControl.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public override ControlType Type { ge......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram TextColumn...
Type CheckBoxActiveXControl.Type property Gets the type of the ActiveX control. public override ControlType Type { ge......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram SpecialEffect...
Data ActiveXControlBase.Data property Gets and sets the binary data of the control. public virtual byte [] Data { get......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram BackOleColor...
IsTiled ImageActiveXControl.IsTiled property Indicates whether the picture is tiled across the background. public boo......namespace Aspose.Diagram.ActiveXControls assembly Aspose.Diagram IsAutoSize...
PageCount SWFSaveOptions.PageCount property Gets or sets the number of pages to render in XPS. Default is MaxValue wh......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SWFSaveOptions...
SaveFormat XPSSaveOptions.SaveFormat property Specifies the format in which the rendered diagram pages will be saved ......namespace Aspose.Diagram.Saving assembly Aspose.Diagram SaveForegroundPagesO...