bitmap bitmap(float scale, String imgFormat) method Slides should be converted to a raster image. Parameters Name Typ......bitmap bitmap(float scale, String imgFormat) method Slides should be converted to a raster image. Parameters Name Typ...
remove remove( CustomXmlPart item) method Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. Para......remove remove( CustomXmlPart item) method Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the collection. Para...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns
setHideRight setHideRight(boolean value) method Hide Right Edge (default is false) - specifies the hidden or shown st......setHideRight setHideRight(boolean value) method Hide Right Edge (default is false) - specifies the hidden or shown st...
setRadius setRadius(double value) method Specifies the radius of blur to apply to the edges. Read/write double. Retur......setRadius setRadius(double value) method Specifies the radius of blur to apply to the edges. Read/write double. Retur...
getColorSource getColorSource() method Represents the source of hyperlink color - either styles or portion format. Re......getColorSource getColorSource() method Represents the source of hyperlink color - either styles or portion format. Re...
getBlobManagementOptions getBlobManagementOptions() method Represents the options which can be used to manage Binary ......getBlobManagementOptions getBlobManagementOptions() method Represents the options which can be used to manage Binary ...