getWarningCallback getWarningCallback() method Returns or sets an object which receives warnings and decides whether ......getWarningCallback getWarningCallback() method Returns or sets an object which receives warnings and decides whether ...
setDefaultSymbolFont setDefaultSymbolFont(String value) method Returns or sets Symbol font used in case source font i......setDefaultSymbolFont setDefaultSymbolFont(String value) method Returns or sets Symbol font used in case source font i...
getHistory getHistory() method Determines whether the target of the parent hyperlink shall be added to a list of view......getHistory getHistory() method Determines whether the target of the parent hyperlink shall be added to a list of view...
setInterruptionToken setInterruptionToken( InterruptionToken value) method The token to monitor for interruption requ......setInterruptionToken setInterruptionToken( InterruptionToken value) method The token to monitor for interruption requ...
getTargetSlide getTargetSlide() method If the Hyperlink targets specific slide returns this slide. Read-only ISlide. ......getTargetSlide getTargetSlide() method If the Hyperlink targets specific slide returns this slide. Read-only ISlide. ...
addDataPointForHistogramSeries addDataPointForHistogramSeries( ChartDataCell value) method Creates the new data point......addDataPointForHistogramSeries addDataPointForHistogramSeries( ChartDataCell value) method Creates the new data point...
getUseCell getUseCell() method If true then AsCell property is actual. In other words, worksheet is used for storing ......getUseCell getUseCell() method If true then AsCell property is actual. In other words, worksheet is used for storing ...