add add(int type, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float[] pts, int ptsType, boolean bRelativeCoord) method Add new command to p......add add(int type, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float[] pts, int ptsType, boolean bRelativeCoord) method Add new command to p...
remove remove( MotionCmdPath item) method Removes specified commans from the collection. Parameters Name Type Descrip......remove remove( MotionCmdPath item) method Removes specified commans from the collection. Parameters Name Type Descrip...
getNotesSlide getNotesSlide() method Returns the notes slide for the current slide. Returns null if slide doesn’t hav......getNotesSlide getNotesSlide() method Returns the notes slide for the current slide. Returns null if slide doesn’t hav...
addNotesSlide addNotesSlide() method Returns the notes slide for the current slide, creating one if there isn’t. Retu......addNotesSlide addNotesSlide() method Returns the notes slide for the current slide, creating one if there isn’t. Retu...
createMathematicalText createMathematicalText() method Create empty mathematical text element Returns MathematicalTex......createMathematicalText createMathematicalText() method Create empty mathematical text element Returns MathematicalTex...
getTargetSection getTargetSection() method Gets or sets the section object that the Section Zoom object links to. Rea......getTargetSection getTargetSection() method Gets or sets the section object that the Section Zoom object links to. Rea...
getWholeWordsOnly getWholeWordsOnly() method Set true to match only whole words, false - otherwise. Read/write boolea......getWholeWordsOnly getWholeWordsOnly() method Set true to match only whole words, false - otherwise. Read/write boolea...