setPosition setPosition(float value) method Returns or sets the position (0..1) of a gradient stop. Read/write float.......setPosition setPosition(float value) method Returns or sets the position (0..1) of a gradient stop. Read/write float....
resolveUri resolveUri(String baseUri, String relativeUri) method Resolves the absolute URI from the base and relative......resolveUri resolveUri(String baseUri, String relativeUri) method Resolves the absolute URI from the base and relative...
hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int...hashCode hashCode() method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. Returns int
equals equals(Object obj) method Determines whether the specified GrayScale is equal to the current GrayScale. Parame......equals equals(Object obj) method Determines whether the specified GrayScale is equal to the current GrayScale. Parame...
getEffective getEffective() method Gets effective Gray Scale effect data with the inheritance applied. Returns GraySc......getEffective getEffective() method Gets effective Gray Scale effect data with the inheritance applied. Returns GraySc...
getColor1 getColor1() method Returns target color format for dark pixels. Read-only IColorFormat. Returns ColorFormat...getColor1 getColor1() method Returns target color format for dark pixels. Read-only IColorFormat. Returns ColorFormat