copyTo copyTo(com.aspose.slides.IBehaviorProperty[] array, int arrayIndex) method Copies the elements of the IGeneric......copyTo copyTo(com.aspose.slides.IBehaviorProperty[] array, int arrayIndex) method Copies the elements of the IGeneric...
removeAt removeAt(int index) method Removes property at the specified index. Parameters Name Type Description index i......removeAt removeAt(int index) method Removes property at the specified index. Parameters Name Type Description index i...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns
setDataTable setDataTable(boolean value) method Determines whether a chart has a data table. Read/write boolean. Retu......setDataTable setDataTable(boolean value) method Determines whether a chart has a data table. Read/write boolean. Retu...
getNextSlideIndex getNextSlideIndex() method Returns index of a slide, which will be rendered after the current slide......getNextSlideIndex getNextSlideIndex() method Returns index of a slide, which will be rendered after the current slide...
setBulletHardColor setBulletHardColor(byte value) method Determines whether the bullet has own color or inherits it f......setBulletHardColor setBulletHardColor(byte value) method Determines whether the bullet has own color or inherits it f...
iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns