addAlphaBiLevelEffect addAlphaBiLevelEffect(float threshold) method Adds the new Alpha Bi-Level effect to the end of ......addAlphaBiLevelEffect addAlphaBiLevelEffect(float threshold) method Adds the new Alpha Bi-Level effect to the end of ...
addColorReplaceEffect addColorReplaceEffect() method Adds the new Color Replacement effect to the end of a collection......addColorReplaceEffect addColorReplaceEffect() method Adds the new Color Replacement effect to the end of a collection...
setTemporaryFilesAllowed setTemporaryFilesAllowed(boolean value) method This property defines if temporary files can ......setTemporaryFilesAllowed setTemporaryFilesAllowed(boolean value) method This property defines if temporary files can ...
getFont getFont() method Returns or sets the bullet font of a paragraph with no inheritance. Read/write IFontData. Re......getFont getFont() method Returns or sets the bullet font of a paragraph with no inheritance. Read/write IFontData. Re...
setAsCell setAsCell( ChartDataCell value) method Returns or sets IChartDataCell object. If category is multi-level th......setAsCell setAsCell( ChartDataCell value) method Returns or sets IChartDataCell object. If category is multi-level th...
getReference getReference() method Gets a cell reference that contains the invalid formula. Returns String...getReference getReference() method Gets a cell reference that contains the invalid formula. Returns String
getEmbeddedFonts getEmbeddedFonts() method Returns the fonts embedded in the presentation Returns FontData...getEmbeddedFonts getEmbeddedFonts() method Returns the fonts embedded in the presentation Returns FontData