iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns...iteratorJava iteratorJava() method Returns a java iterator for the entire collection. Returns
getShowMasterShapes getShowMasterShapes() method Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or......getShowMasterShapes getShowMasterShapes() method Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or...
getDependingSlides getDependingSlides() method Returns an array with all slides, which depend on this layout slide. R......getDependingSlides getDependingSlides() method Returns an array with all slides, which depend on this layout slide. R...
getVideos getVideos() method Returns the collection of all embedded video files in the presentation. Read-only IVideo......getVideos getVideos() method Returns the collection of all embedded video files in the presentation. Read-only IVideo...
insertSchemeColor insertSchemeColor(int index, float position, int schemeColor) method Creates the new gradient stop ......insertSchemeColor insertSchemeColor(int index, float position, int schemeColor) method Creates the new gradient stop ...
getAspectRatioLocked getAspectRatioLocked() method Determines whether shape have to preserve aspect ratio on resizing......getAspectRatioLocked getAspectRatioLocked() method Determines whether shape have to preserve aspect ratio on resizing...
getHidden getHidden() method Determines whether the specified slide is hidden during a slide show. Read/write boolean......getHidden getHidden() method Determines whether the specified slide is hidden during a slide show. Read/write boolean...
getLayoutSlide getLayoutSlide() method Returns or sets the layout slide for the current slide. Read/write ILayoutSlid......getLayoutSlide getLayoutSlide() method Returns or sets the layout slide for the current slide. Read/write ILayoutSlid...
getNotesCommentsLayouting getNotesCommentsLayouting() method Provides options that control how notes and comments is ......getNotesCommentsLayouting getNotesCommentsLayouting() method Provides options that control how notes and comments is ...
setDrawSlidesFrame setDrawSlidesFrame(boolean value) method True to draw black frame around each slide. Read/write bo......setDrawSlidesFrame setDrawSlidesFrame(boolean value) method True to draw black frame around each slide. Read/write bo...