setLastSavedTime setLastSavedTime(Date value) method Returns the date a presentation was last modified. Values are in......setLastSavedTime setLastSavedTime(Date value) method Returns the date a presentation was last modified. Values are in...
setCategory setCategory(String value) method Returns or sets the category of a presentation. Read/write String. Retur......setCategory setCategory(String value) method Returns or sets the category of a presentation. Read/write String. Retur...
setContentStatus setContentStatus(String value) method Returns or sets the content status of a presentation. Read/wri......setContentStatus setContentStatus(String value) method Returns or sets the content status of a presentation. Read/wri...
isSynchronized isSynchronized() method Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (t......isSynchronized isSynchronized() method Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (t...
getValue getValue() method Gets or sets value which is used with Fixed, Percentage and StandardDeviation value types ......getValue getValue() method Gets or sets value which is used with Fixed, Percentage and StandardDeviation value types ...
setType setType(int value) method Gets or sets type of error bars. Read/write ErrorBarType. Returns void...setType setType(int value) method Gets or sets type of error bars. Read/write ErrorBarType. Returns void
clear clear() method Removes all controls from the collection. Returns void...clear clear() method Removes all controls from the collection. Returns void
iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns...iterator iterator() method Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Returns
setAnimateTextType setAnimateTextType(int value) method Defines an animate text type for effect. The shape text can b......setAnimateTextType setAnimateTextType(int value) method Defines an animate text type for effect. The shape text can b...