getRect getRect() method Get coordinates of rect that bounds paragraph. The rect includes all the lines of text in pa......getRect getRect() method Get coordinates of rect that bounds paragraph. The rect includes all the lines of text in pa...
clear clear() method Removes all items from the IGenericCollection. Returns void...clear clear() method Removes all items from the IGenericCollection. Returns void
setFrom setFrom(String value) method Specifies the starting value of the animation. Read/write String. Returns void...setFrom setFrom(String value) method Specifies the starting value of the animation. Read/write String. Returns void
getText getText() method Gets or sets the the plain text of a paragraph. Read/write String. Value: The text. Returns ......getText getText() method Gets or sets the the plain text of a paragraph. Read/write String. Value: The text. Returns ...
getPortions getPortions() method Returns the collection of a text portions. Read-only IPortionCollection. Returns Por......getPortions getPortions() method Returns the collection of a text portions. Read-only IPortionCollection. Returns Por...
getBy getBy() method Describes the relative offset value for the animation (in percents). Read/write java.awt.geom.Po......getBy getBy() method Describes the relative offset value for the animation (in percents). Read/write java.awt.geom.Po...