Specular TechniquePhong.Specular property Gets or sets the specular. Declares the color of light specular reflected f...... Declares the color of light specular reflected from the...
IndexOfRefraction TechniquePhong.IndexOfRefraction property Gets or sets the index of refraction. Declares the index ......refraction for perfectly refracted light as a single scalar index. public...
Ambient TechniquePhong.Ambient property Gets or sets the ambient. Declares the amount of ambient light emitted from t......Declares the amount of ambient light emitted from the surface of...
Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings class. Specifies font settings for a document in C#.... Name = "Junction Light" ; builder . Writeln ( "The... FullFontName == "Junction Light" )); // Create a font source...
Hi Support Team,
I am using Aspose.Word DLL .NET C# for converting from Word to PDF file. My word file renders correct logo color. But when I am converting this Word file to PDF, logo is getting rendered from Dark blue …...Blue color Logo is rendered as light blue color Attached are the...file is still generated with light blue color. What is version...
Table.clear_borders method. Removes all table and cell borders on this table....True ) # Fill the cells with a light green solid color. table . set_shading...TEXTURE_SOLID , drawing . Color . light_green , drawing . Color . empty...
Python รหัสที่มาในการทำงานกับการเพิ่มตารางในไฟล์ PDF บน NET Framework, .NET หลักและ PHP, VBScript, C++ ผ่าน COM Interop... light_gray )) # Set the border for.... from_rgb ( apd . Color . light_gray )) # Create a loop to add...
Codice sorgente Python per lavorare con la tabella in file PDF su.NET Framework, .NET Core e PHP, VBScript, C++ tramite COM Interop.... light_gray )) # Set the border for.... from_rgb ( apd . Color . light_gray )) # Create a loop to add...
Aspose içinde bir ağ üzerinde normaller veya uv verileri nasıl oluşturulur. 3D....rendering of interactions between light and surface via attenuation...and scattering of reflected light. Developers can use Aspose.3D...