Table.set_border method. Sets the specified table border to the specified line style, width and color....True ) # Fill the cells with a light green solid color. table . set_shading...aspose . pydrawing . Color . light_green , aspose . pydrawing ...
OoxmlSaveOptions Klasse OoxmlSaveOptions Klasse Stellt die Optionen zum Speichern von Office Open XML-Dateien dar. Na...... light_cells_data_provider Der Datenanbieter...Speichern von Arbeitsmappen im Light-Modus. update_zoom Gibt an,...
How to remove dirt, spots, scratches, glare, and other image defects to improve recognition accuracy....especially those taken in low light conditions. Old books. Newspapers...important details, such as light punctuation or heavily fragmented...
material mülk material mülk vermek için aydınlatma özellikleriyle birleştirilen material ön ayarını temsil eder. bir ......PresetMaterialType sınıf ThreeDFormat lighting_direction mülk perspective...
extrusion_height mülk extrusion_height mülk Şekle uygulanan ekstrüzyon yüksekliğini nokta birimi cinsinden alır ve ay......ThreeDFormat extrusion_color mülk light_angle mülk Türkçe English Русский...
Aspose::Cells::XlsSaveOptions::SetLightCellsDataProvider method. The data provider for saving workbook in light mode in C++....provider for saving workbook in light mode. void Aspose :: Cells ::...
IndexOfRefraction TechniqueLambert.IndexOfRefraction property Gets or sets the index of refraction. Declares the inde......refraction for perfectly refracted light as a single scalar index. public...