TxtSaveOptions class TxtSaveOptions class Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format. Inheri...... light_cells_data_provider The data...provider for saving workbook in light mode. trim_leading_blank_row_and_column...
Table.set_border method. Sets the specified table border to the specified line style, width and color....True ) # Fill the cells with a light green solid color. table . set_shading...aspose . pydrawing . Color . light_green , aspose . pydrawing ...
Emission TechniqueBlinn.Emission property Gets or sets the emission. Declares the amount of light emitted from the su...... Declares the amount of light emitted from the surface of...
FontSettings SetFontsFolders طريقة. يقوم بتعيين المجلدات التي يبحث فيها Aspose.Words عن خطوط TrueType عند عرض المستندات أو تضمين الخطوط في C#.... Name = "Junction Light" ; builder . Writeln ( "The... FullFontName == "Junction Light" )); // استخدم طريقة "SetFontsFolders"...