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  1. Aspose.GIS for .NET 19.1 Release Notes|Document...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....release: Support of curved geometries. Our object model now includes...includes non-linear geometries, like CircularString and CurvePolygon...
  2. SymDifference | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    SymDifference Geometry.SymDifference method Builds a symmetric difference between this geometry and a specified geome......SymDifference Geometry.SymDifference method Builds a symmetric...between this geometry and a specified geometry. public IGeometry...
  3. Touches | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    Touches Geometry.Touches method Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry touch. public bool Touches ( IGe......Touches Geometry.Touches method Determines if this geometry and a...a specified geometry touch. public bool Touches ( IGeometry other...
  4. ShapefileOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Refe...

    ShapefileOptions Contents [ Hide ] ShapefileOptions class Driver-specific options for Shapefile format. At the use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...
  5. KmlOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    KmlOptions Contents [ Hide ] KmlOptions class Driver-specific options for KML format. public class KmlOptions : use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...
  6. MapInfoTabOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Ref...

    MapInfoTabOptions Contents [ Hide ] MapInfoTabOptions class Driver-specific options for MapInfo Tab format. public use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...
  7. Mixed Geometry Symbolizer|Documentation

    Mixed Geometry Symbolizer in GIS C# Library API allows to specify symbolizers separately for each geometry type if a layer contains mixed geometry types....Mixed Geometry Symbolizer Contents [ Hide ] Mixed Geometry Symbolizer...Symbolizer The Mixed Geometry Symbolizer allows to specify symbolizers...
  8. LinearizationTolerance | Aspose.GIS for .NET AP...

    LinearizationTolerance DriverOptions.LinearizationTolerance property A tolerance to use to linearize curve use to linearize curve geometries. public double LinearizationToleran...ToLinearGeometry before adding geometries. Remarks This is a creation...
  9. SpatiallyEquals | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Refer...

    SpatiallyEquals IGeometry.SpatiallyEquals method Determines if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry.......if this geometry spatially equal to a specified geometry. public...IGeometry A geometry. Return Value true if this geometry “spatially...
  10. TopoJsonOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Refer...

    TopoJsonOptions Contents [ Hide ] TopoJsonOptions class Driver-specific options for TopoJSON format. public class use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...