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  1. Overlaps | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    Overlaps Geometry.Overlaps method Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. public bool Ove......Overlaps Geometry.Overlaps method Determines whether this geometry...geometry overlap with a specified geometry. public bool Overlaps ( IGeometry...
  2. Geometry Relations|Documentation

    Using the GIS C# Library, you can see if Geometries are spatially equivalent, intersect, contain another geometry, touch or cross one other, overlap and get distance between them....Geometry Relations Contents [ Hide ] Works with Geometry Rel...if Geometries Are Spacially Equal Determine if Geometries Intersect...
  3. AddRange | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    AddRange GeometryCollection.AddRange method Adds the specified Geometries to the collection. public void AddRange ( I......method Adds the specified geometries to the collection. public...IGeometry > geometries ) Parameter Type Description geometries IEnumerable`1...
  4. Overlaps | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    Overlaps IGeometry.Overlaps method Determines whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. public bool Ov......whether this geometry overlap with a specified geometry. public bool...IGeometry A geometry. Return Value true if this geometry is “spatially...
  5. Crosses | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    Crosses IGeometry.Crosses method Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. public bool Crosses ( IG......Determines if this geometry and a specified geometry cross. public...IGeometry A geometry. Return Value true if this geometry is “spatially...
  6. Aspose.GIS for .NET 18.10 Release Notes|Documen...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....between Geometries Computing areas and lengths of Geometries Computing...hull of Geometries Computing centroid of Geometries Building...
  7. Features|Aspose.GIS for .NET

    GIS C#.NET Library or API supports formats Shapefile, GeoJSON, FileGDB, GML, KML, SVG, PostGis, Sql Server, GeoTIFF. It can read, write, convert and visualize vector data, manipulate Geometries, perform analysis and lookup spatial reference systems by SRID....create and analyze feature geometries, and render maps to SVG....Customize styling for each geometry type Combine several symbolizers...
  8. DatabaseDriverOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API...

    DatabaseDriverOptions Contents [ Hide ] DatabaseDriverOptions class Options for a DatabaseDriver . public abstract use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...
  9. SqlServerOptions | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Refe...

    SqlServerOptions Contents [ Hide ] SqlServerOptions class Driver-specific options for SqlServer format. At the use to linearize curve geometries. MPrecisionModel { get; set;...applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer...
  10. GetDistanceTo | Aspose.GIS for .NET API Reference

    GetDistanceTo Geometry.GetDistanceTo method Computes the minimum distance between this geometry and a specified geome......GetDistanceTo Geometry.GetDistanceTo method Computes the minimum...between this geometry and a specified geometry. public double...