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digital signature

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  1. Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_IsVa...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_IsValid method. Indicates that Signature line is signed by Digital Signature and this Digital Signature is valid in C++....Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature and this...this digital signature is valid. bool Aspose :: Words :: Drawing...
  2. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – Lägg till och verifiera PDF-Digital signatur Python content in Lägg till och verifiera ......till och verifiera PDF-digital signatur Python content in Lägg till...
  3. Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::DigitalSignat...

    Represents a Digital Signature on a document and the result of its verification....Description Represents a digital signature on a document and the...display information about each signature in a document. auto doc =...
  4. PdfDigitalSignatureDetails class | Aspose.Words...

    aspose.words.saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails class. Contains details for signing a PDF document with a Digital Signature....document with a digital signature. At the moment digitally signing PDF...on .NET 2.0 or higher. To digitally sign a PDF document when it...
  5. DigitalSignatureType Enum | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureType enum. Specifies the type of a Digital Signature in C#....Specifies the type of a digital signature. public enum DigitalSignatureType...Indicates an error, unknown digital signature type. CryptoApi 1 The...
  6. PdfDigitalSignatureDetails Class | Aspose.Words...

    Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails class. Contains details for signing a PDF document with a Digital Signature in C#....a PDF document with a digital signature. public class PdfDigitalSignatureD...set; } Gets or sets the digital signature timestamp settings. Remarks...
  7. DigitalSignature.is_valid property | Aspose.Wor...

    DigitalSignature.is_valid property. Returns ``True`` if this Digital Signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with....Returns True if this digital signature is valid and the document...display information about each signature in a document. doc = aw ....
  8. Add | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Reference

    Adds the Signature at the end of collection....Add method Adds the signature at the end of collection....IDigitalSignature signature ) Parameter Type Description signature IDigitalSignature...
  9. Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::DigitalSignat...

    Provides methods for signing document.... Since digital signature works with file content...Shows how to load signatures from a digitally signed document....
  10. Sign MACROS Excel Java - Aspose.Cells Product F...

    We were trying to sign the excel file containing Macros, but post calling the below API calls and upon opening the excel file it still shows warning “Macros are disabled because the Digital Signature is invalid” …...disabled because the digital signature is invalid” DigitalSignatureColl...DigitalSignatureColl(); DigitalSignature signature = new DigitalSignature(inputKeyStore...