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digital signature

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  1. PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsCore - Aspose.CAD for...

    Developer's manual to the Aspose.CAD for Java library. Know all classes, methods & interfaces for quick integration of the CAD library with your own apps....getDigitalSignatureD () Gets or sets a digital signature details. Methods in com...value) Gets or sets a digital signature details....
  2. isValid | Aspose.Sildes for Node.js via Java AP...

    isValid isValid() function If this Digital Signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with, this value......isValid() function If this digital signature is valid and the document...
  3. eSign XHTML Files via .NET |

    C# code to e-Sgin XHTML documents using server side .NET library....NET Signature XHTML Signature PNG JPG BMP TIFF XHTML...XHTML document electronic signature using server-side .NET APIs...
  4. eSign RTF Files via .NET |

    C# code to e-Sgin Microsoft Word RTF documents using server side .NET library....NET Signature RTF Signature PNG JPG BMP TIFF RTF...Word RTF document electronic signature using server-side .NET APIs...
  5. DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign | Aspose.Words for .NET

    DigitalSignatureUtil Sign method. Signs source document using given CertificateHolder and SignOptions with Digital Signature and writes signed document to destination stream in C#....and SignOptions with digital signature and writes signed document...options. Examples Shows how to digitally sign documents. // Create...
  6. pdfdigitalsignaturedetailscore - Aspose.CAD for...

    Developer's manual to the Aspose.CAD for Java library. Know all classes, methods & interfaces for quick integration of the CAD library with your own apps....getDigitalSignatureD () Gets or sets a digital signature details. Methods in com...value) Gets or sets a digital signature details....
  7. Aspose.Word and document macro's - Aspose.Words...

    Hi, I have read a MS Word document to a binary field in my database. This document contains some macro's I need when the document is processed by Aspose and sent to de client. For some reason the macro's are lost after…... I use a digital signature (certificate) for my the macro. The digital signature is lost after opening...
  8. Aspose::Words::Saving::PdfDigitalSignatureTimes...

    Contains settings of the Digital Signature timestamp....Contains settings of the digital signature timestamp. Examples Shows...sign a saved PDF document digitally and timestamp it. auto doc...
  9. Aspose::Words::Saving::PdfDigitalSignatureTimes...

    Contains settings of the Digital Signature timestamp....Contains settings of the digital signature timestamp. Examples Shows...sign a saved PDF document digitally and timestamp it. auto doc...
  10. Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_Id m...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_Id method. Gets or sets identifier for this Signature line. This identifier can be associated with a Digital Signature, when signing document using DigitalSignatureUtil. This value must be unique and by default it is randomly generated new Guid (NewGuid) in C++....sets identifier for this signature line. This identifier associated with a digital signature, when signing document...