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digital signature

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  1. CertificateHolder | Aspose.Words for Java

    Represents a holder of X509Certificate2 instance in Java.... visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article...applied with our new digital signature. SignOptions signOptions...
  2. remove_digital_signature method | Aspose.Cells ...

    remove_Digital_Signature method remove_Digital_Signature Removes Digital Signature from this spreadsheet. def remove_......remove_digital_signature method remove_digital_signature Removes...Removes digital signature from this spreadsheet. def remove_digital_signature...
  3. get_digital_signature method | Aspose.Cells for...

    get_Digital_Signature method get_Digital_Signature Gets Digital Signature from file. def get_Digital_Signature ( self......get_digital_signature method get_digital_signature Gets signature from file. def get_digital_signature ( self ):...
  4. Aspose.CAD.ImageOptions | Aspose.CAD for .NET A...

    The namespace contains classes suitable for export save or creation of different file formats....Contains details for a PDF digital signature. PdfDocumentOptions The...Specifies digital hash algorithm used by digital signature. RasterizationQuality...
  5. System::Security::Cryptography::Xml Namespace R...

    Classes System::Security::Cryptography::Xml Namespace Reference Classes class DataObject Defines a format-independent......KeyInfo element of an XML digital signature or an XML encryption....Facilitates creation of the XML signatures. Objects of this class should...
  6. FlatOPC Import - Document Features|Aspose.Words...

    Import FlatOPC using document load options in Java....CustomXmlParts Digital Signature Yes A digital signature ensures that...tampered with during transit. A signature is applied over the document...
  7. DOCX Export - Document Features|Aspose.Words fo...

    Export to OOXML format using document saving features in Java....XML Data Storage Yes Digital Signature Planned Signing a OOXML...OOXML document with a digital signatures is not yet supported. Note...
  8. FileFormatInfo - Aspose.Words for Java - API Re...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....format and presence of digital signatures. // Use a FileFormatInfo...verify that a document is not digitally signed. FileFormatInfo info...
  9. SignatureLine.is_signed property | Aspose.Words...

    SignatureLine.is_signed property. Indicates that Signature line is signed by Digital Signature....Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature. Examples...personal certificate and a signature line. doc = aw . Document...
  10. SignatureLine.IsSigned | Aspose.Words for .NET

    SignatureLine IsSigned property. Indicates that Signature line is signed by Digital Signature in C#....Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature. public...personal certificate and a signature line. Document doc = new Document...