SldImportOptions SldImportOptions class Options for the import of Styled Layer Descriptor file (Sld). public class Sl......set; } Determines whether Aspose.GIS is allowed to load sources...namespace Aspose.Gis.Rendering.Sld assembly Aspose.GIS English...
UnsetValue Feature.UnsetValue method Removes the attribute value from this feature. public void UnsetValue ( string a......Feature namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS SetValues English...
ValidateGeometriesOnWrite DriverOptions.ValidateGeometriesOnWrite property Determines if geometries should be validat......DriverOptions namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS MPrecisionModel...
FromLocalPath AbstractPath.FromLocalPath method Creates an AbstractPath that represents a location on the local files......AbstractPath namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS FromStream English...
MPrecisionModel DriverOptions.MPrecisionModel property A PrecisionModel that will be applied to M coordinate when geo......DriverOptions namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS LinearizationToleran...
Delete AbstractPath.Delete method Deletes a file pointed to by this path. public abstract void Delete () Exceptions e......AbstractPath namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Combine GetExtension...
GeometryType VectorLayer.GeometryType property Gets the type of the geometry for the layer. public abstract GeometryT......VectorLayer namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Driver Item English...
Aspose.gis for .NET Create, Read, Edit & Convert GIS files from within .NET applications. Pricing Information Get a T......Aspose.GIS for .NET Create, Read, Edit & Convert GIS files from...