GetLayerName Dataset.GetLayerName method Gets the name of the layer at specified index. public abstract string GetLay......Dataset namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS EditLayer OpenLayer...
WithExtension AbstractPath.WithExtension method Returns a new AbstractPath with the file extension changed to the spe......AbstractPath namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Open English Русский...
RasterDriver RasterDriver class A driver for a specific raster based format. public abstract class RasterDriver : Dri......Driver namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS PrecisionModel...
AttributesConverter SavingOptions.AttributesConverter property A custom converter for attributes. If not null , it is......SavingOptions namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS SavingOptions DriverOptions...