License License class Provides methods to license the component. public class License Constructors Name Description L......Also namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS IFeatureStyle Metered...
XyzTiles Drivers.XyzTiles property A driver for the tiled web map like OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps, etc. public stati......Drivers namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS TopoJson English...
Exclude AttributesConverterActions.Exclude property Sets true to exclude the attribute from the destination layer. Th......AttributesConverterA namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS AttributesConverterA...
ToString Extent.ToString method Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString ......Extent namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS ToPolygon op_Equality...
Exact PrecisionModel.Exact property Returns an exact precision model. According to exact precision model all digits i......PrecisionModel namespace Aspose.Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Rounding English...