EnumerateMetafile Contents [ Hide ] Graphics.EnumerateMetafile method (1 of 36) Sends the records in the specified Me......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics.EnumerateMetafile...System.Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Graphics.EnumerateMetafile...
IsInvertible Matrix.IsInvertible property Gets a value indicating whether this Matrix is invertible. public bool IsIn......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing IsIdentity OffsetX...
Width Metafile.Width property Gets the width, in pixels, of this Metafile. public override int Width { get ; } See Al......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing RawFormat GetHenhmetafile...
MetafileSize MetafileHeader.MetafileSize property Gets the size, in bytes, of the associated Metafile . public int Me......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing LogicalDpiY Type...
Positions ColorBlend.Positions property Gets or sets the positions along a gradient line. public float [] Positions {......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Colors...
Height Icon.Height property Gets the height of this Icon. public int Height { get ; } Property Value The height of th......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Handle Size...
IsEmpty Size.IsEmpty property Gets a value indicating whether this Size has width and height of 0. public bool IsEmpt......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Height Width...
LineAlignment StringFormat.LineAlignment property Gets or sets the line alignment on the horizontal plane. public Str......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing HotkeyPrefix Trimming...
ForegroundColor HatchBrush.ForegroundColor property Gets the color of hatch lines drawn by this HatchBrush object. pu......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing BackgroundColor HatchStyle...
AliceBlue Pens.AliceBlue property Gets the alice blue Pen. public static Pen AliceBlue { get ; } Property Value The a......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing AntiqueWhite...