LogicalDpiY MetafileHeader.LogicalDpiY property public int LogicalDpiY { get ; } 也可以看看 class MetafileHeader 命名空间 Aspo......MetafileHeader 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing.Imaging 部件 Aspose.Drawing LogicalDpiX...
Version MetaHeader.Version property public short Version { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class MetaHeader 命名空间 Aspose.drawing.I......MetaHeader 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing.Imaging 部件 Aspose.Drawing Type 简体中文...
Reserved WmfPlaceableFileHeader.Reserved property public int Reserved { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class WmfPlaceableFileHea......WmfPlaceableFileHead 命名空间 Aspose.Drawing.Imaging 部件 Aspose.Drawing Key 简体中文 Русский...
GraphicsPathIterator GraphicsPathIterator constructor Initializes a new instance of the GraphicsPathIterator class. p......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Count...
IsSystemFont Font.IsSystemFont property Gets a value indicating whether the font is a member of SystemFonts. public b......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Height Italic...
Error SystemIcons.Error property Gets an Icon object that contains the system error icon (WIN32: IDI_ERROR). public s......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Asterisk Exclamation...
Count GraphicsPathIterator.Count property Gets the number of points in the path. public int Count { get ; } See Also ......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing GraphicsPathIterator SubpathCount...