GrayText SystemColors.GrayText property Gets a Color structure that is the color of dimmed text. public static Color ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GradientInactiveCapt Highlight...
PaleGreen Pens.PaleGreen property Gets the pale green Pen. public static Pen PaleGreen { get ; } Property Value The p......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing PaleGoldenrod PaleTurquoise...
PeachPuff Pens.PeachPuff property Gets the peach puff Pen. public static Pen PeachPuff { get ; } Property Value The p......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing PapayaWhip Peru...
CadetBlue Pens.CadetBlue property Gets the cadet blue Pen. public static Pen CadetBlue { get ; } Property Value The c......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing BurlyWood Chartreuse...
MintCream Pens.MintCream property Gets the mint cream Pen. public static Pen MintCream { get ; } Property Value The m......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing MidnightBlue MistyRose...
RosyBrown Pens.RosyBrown property Gets the rosy brown Pen. public static Pen RosyBrown { get ; } Property Value The r......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Red RoyalBlue...
LimeGreen Pens.LimeGreen property Gets the lime green Pen. public static Pen LimeGreen { get ; } Property Value The l......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Lime Linen...
SteelBlue Pens.SteelBlue property Gets the steel blue Pen. public static Pen SteelBlue { get ; } Property Value The s......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SpringGreen Tan...