Dispose Matrix.Dispose method Releases all resources used by this Matrix. public void Dispose () Remarks This method ......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Clone Invert...
MakeEmpty Region.MakeEmpty method Initializes this Region to an empty interior. public void MakeEmpty () See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IsVisible MakeInfinite...
NamespaceDoc NamespaceDoc class The Text namespace provides advanced GDI+ typography functionality. public static cla......Text assembly Aspose.Drawing InstalledFontCollect PrivateFontCollectio...
Dispose FontFamily.Dispose method Releases all resources used by this FontFamily. public void Dispose () See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Name Equals...
Name Color.Name property Gets the name of this Color. public string Name { get ; } See Also struct Color namespace Sy......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing IsSystemColor R...
NamespaceDoc NamespaceDoc class The Drawing namespace provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More adva......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing KnownColor Pen...