PixelOffsetMode PixelOffsetMode enumeration Specifies how pixels are offset during rendering. public enum PixelOffset......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing PenType RegionData...
GetHdc Graphics.GetHdc method Gets the handle to the device context associated with this Graphics. public IntPtr GetH......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Flush GetNearestColor...
true PrinterResolution.Y property Gets or sets the vertical printer resolution, in dots per inch. public int Y { get ......Printing assembly Aspose.Drawing X...
Style Font.Style property Gets style information for this Font. public FontStyle Style { get ; } See Also enum FontSt......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Strikeout SystemFontName...
Version MetafileHeader.Version property Gets the version number of the associated Metafile . public int Version { get......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Type WmfHeader...
MetaHeader MetaHeader constructor Initializes a new instance of the MetaHeader class public MetaHeader () See Also cl......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing HeaderSize...
SetMarkers GraphicsPath.SetMarkers method Sets a marker on this GraphicsPath . public void SetMarkers () See Also cla......Drawing2D assembly Aspose.Drawing Reverse StartFigure...
Page FrameDimension.Page property Gets the page dimension. public static FrameDimension Page { get ; } See Also class......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing FrameDimension Resolution...