Location Rectangle.Location property Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this Rectangle structur......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Left Right...
Matrix03 ColorMatrix.Matrix03 property Gets or sets the element at the 0 (zero) row and third column of this ColorMat......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Matrix02 Matrix04...
InstalledFontCollection InstalledFontCollection constructor Initializes a new instance of the InstalledFontCollection......Text assembly Aspose.Drawing...
ScrollBar SystemColors.ScrollBar property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the background of a scroll bar.......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing MenuText Window...
ColorDepth Encoder.ColorDepth field An Encoder object that is initialized with the globally unique identifier for the......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing ChrominanceTable Compression...
GetHashCode ImageFormat.GetHashCode method Returns a hash code value that represents this object. public override int......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Equals ToString...
R Color.R property Gets the red component value of this Color structure. public byte R { get ; } Return Value The red......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Name Equals...
Image Image constructor Initializes a new instance of the Image class. public Image () See Also class Image namespace......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing FromFile...
Time FrameDimension.Time property Gets the time dimension. public static FrameDimension Time { get ; } See Also class......Imaging assembly Aspose.Drawing Resolution Guid...